I am the lucky Mom to girl/boy twins. I was born and bred in Dallas.
I love all things preppy, southern, and old fashioned.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Yeah! The twins are potty trained through the night. No more diapers. ever.again. Ya know what? That just made me a little sad. No more diapers means no more babies. It also means that my babies are growing up fast! Sniffle...
I am a busy Mom of girl/boy twins. I was born and bred in Dallas. I love all things preppy, southern, and old fashioned. My goal as the Mom of a boy is to instill old fashioned manners that are sadly rare in todays society. For my daughter, I want her to have grace. My family wants me to make it through it all without losing my mind.
Congrats. Always a liberating day!
Well congrats and I am sorry. Maybe it is time for another one!
Would love more, but my body can't take it.
Being done with babies is always a good thing, now you have a whole new world of things to look forward too.
Yeah, but bitter sweet.
I am envious!!
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