Sunday, May 31, 2009

Lookin' up!!

Paul has a great job lead!! And it starts out as double of what we have been living on!! Woooo Hoooo!!!

Saturday, May 30, 2009


Pollyanna, whom I always loved as a child.

the plan to "work something out" was to string Paul along and then present him with, well, NOTHING!! I really need a breakdown, but since I have kids, that is not an option. My normal, Pollyanna attitude is fading fast, and I need some good news FAST! For months,I have been racking my brain about what I could do to help bring in some income and I keep coming up dry. I certainly cannot go back into couture. Besides, half of your salary comes in the form of a clothing allowance. Everything else would involve me working all day just to sign over my check to someone else to raise my children.

I think my best bet, is if I could find something to do from home.

On to other news, T's ballet teacher got a job with an amazing studio with an amazing salary to match!

Friday, May 29, 2009

"Summer Lovin'"

Yep, Grease is on and the twins are holding hands skipping around the couch singing along.

On to other news. I am officially baked. I spent 4 hours at the pool yesterday and forgot to apply sunscreen. The twins were lathered up, just not me. I have olive skin and I don't get red, just brown. I look like I stepped out of the 80's! Ha ha ha!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Let's hope...

Paul's employer's (Ahem... Big car maker) Do not want him to leave the company, so they are going to try and "work something out".

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Paul was told TODAY, that he would no longer receive a draw, which is due on Friday. No warning, no time to prepare. To say we are screwed is an understatement. We ran out of our savings awhile ago, thanks to this lovely economic state we are in. I am really upset, because I just figured out how to live on this draw which is only 20% of what I am used to him bringing home. More later, I am too upset to type.

Redneck tanktop!

This was taken in front of the Gardendale,
Alabama Wal-Mart, where the young lady was
shopping at the Flea market.

Look at it closely.

Yup, that there is a pair of men's briefs with the crotch cut out!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Crazy cat!

My cat just attacked a dog. Really, dog was just walking along, minding her own business. Cat ran up and attacked the dog on head, was shook off and went back again, and again, and again. Eventually the dog was on her back yelping while three of us were trying to figure out how to get this crazy cat off of her! Finally I got the hose on her. Is this an attempt at kitty suicide?

Smellin' good, Son.

J just came to me with Paul's deodorant in hand.

"Sure I need to pud dis under my shoulder (arm-pit), cuz it make da hair grow like da Daddy"

On another note...

One of my favorite blogger's had to shut down for a bit because of threats, and her personal safety. This makes me so angry, because she is so sweet. Chin up sweet girl...this too shall pass.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

I'm Back!

With new at&t u-verse. Now I just need to figure out how it all works!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

In shock!!!

I actually have to appeal a claim to our insurance for a trip to Children's E.R.

Last month, J had an asthma attack like no other. While he had his nebulizer on, after a treatment of albuterol and pulmicort, his fingernails and lips were turning blue. So we rushed him to Children's where his Doctor had a team on standby. They rushed him to the a special breathing treatment room where he stayed for two hours until stabilized.

Now why insurance does not see that as a necessary visit, I don't know what is!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

So funny!!

J just grabbed one side of my chest and said "I ate outa' dat when I wuz a baby?"

Me... "yes, you drank my milk"

J grabs the other side..."Oh, I am allergic to milk, so dis one has lemomaid!!"

This is why I blog!


just kidding, kind of...

Paul is back in school. Yeah for him, stinks for me/us. He comes home for around 20 minutes, then off to my parent's to study!!

I am now a single Mama of sorts. I also decided to pull naps, so my blogging time is spent keeping my babies awake!! So funny, they tried to pass out while I was making dinner, so I would walk into the playroom banging pots to wake them up. Good, no, GREAT news? When their heads hit the pillow at 9 p.m. Out like a light! Soooooo refreshing.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What a beating!!

T "gets" to do treatments about 6 times a day for awhile. Ugh!!

No swine today!!!!

Although Dr. said good call because she exhibits all the signs. I got really worried when she was having trouble breathing, as this is a warning sign for swine. (According to the CDC web site)

Instead...acute Bronchitis. Thankfully, because of J and his asthma, we already have the nebulizer, albuterol, and pulmicort.

T has the flu...

J is soon to follow, I am sure. In the morning we get her tested. Hopefully, no swine. Their immune systems are compromised already. Fingers crossed, prayers said.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mama's Day!!!

So, on Friday, I went to pick up the twins from pre-school. They each handed me a little something as they stumbled in the car. After kisses, hugs, and buckled in, I began to drive but quickly had to pull over...My eye's were full of tears...

T's note:

Why I love you Mommy
By T Pettit

I am happy when I am with Mommy.
I like her hugs. We like to go to the park and play.
My Mommy is 5 years old and she likes Souper Salads.
I would like to buy her cupcakes.

Sooo funny, I really do have a "thing" for Souper Salads!

J's note: A crayon drawing with arms spread out...In his very own writing.

"I love my Mama this much"

And he made me a heart pin out of clay. "Mama, dis is dat Lilly green like dat party from last night to wear with all dat pink!!"

More on the Lilly party from Thursday later!

Monday, May 11, 2009


AT&T came out on Thursday to set up U-verse, and disconnected everything. aaaargh!!!! Hopefully tomorrow!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

How on earth do I explain this to a 4 year old?

J: "Momma? How cum' S has two Daddies? Where is da Mommy in dat family?"
Me: "Let me get back to you..."

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I need to learn how to say "No"

Next year I have a full platter:

JLD gorilla guide at the zoo.

Woman's auxiliary of Children's Medical Center.

Board member, in charge of sunshine for LECPTA.a.k.a. cradle roll.

Board member, in charge of Wonderful Wednesday's at SMAA.

Well....hmmm. It looks much easier now that I have it listed. I am just trying to make up for those two years of isolation when the twins were babies.

When it rains...

all my lines go dead. So, it is about to rain again and I will be absent awhile. Good news, on Thursday, we are switching to fiber optics, thus no more problems.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Swine Flu

This flu is putting a damper on my day. After my parents discussed the situation with our pediatrician (who was my Dad's roommate in med-school) they told me to pull the twins from school. With J's asthma, we cannot risk it. To top it off, Paul just left with a car seat and now we are stuck.