Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Preppy Pettit Kids

Hi there! Well, all has been busy in our household since school began. T is still going strong with school, and ballet three hours every week. J, well he has school, but no other regular activities. Sooo- what to do while he is driving everyone crazy while waiting for T?

Tai Kwon Do!! Yup. I would really prefer soccer, or sailing, or even basketball, but Winter is around the corner and this studio is around the corner from T's ballet, so it is perfect!!

It all started when last week we were looking (a.k.a. I was torturing) J at the toy store when some of his classmates walked in. They were all wearing their uniforms and J was intrigued. When the Moms told me how it had helped with their little boys behavior, I was intrigued. So, on Monday we went to investigate...

We walked in and a class was already in progress. J and I sat down to observe in the waiting area. Well, J was watching through the glass when the sweetest lady came and asked him if he would like to participate!! You should have seen the proud look on his face. Priceless! Well, as the class went on, his chest puffed out, and he stood a little taller. I must say, for self confidence alone, I was sold! At the end of class they gave J a white belt, and they gave me the paperwork, and said we would see them on Wednesday. I will let you know how it goes... ;)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Still catching up!!

Here is a picture of the twins with their favorite God Mama at their Fifth birthday party last December. I had a "Cowboy Golf party". Loooong story on how that one came about. I will definitely post about that later with more pictures.

Fourth of July picture!!

We won best float again this year for LECPTA!! J is one of the only "Boy" Elvis's in a sea of girls. HA HA HA

Preppy back to school!!

Well... you will all have to wait until Monday to wait for pictures of The Preppy Pettit Twins first day of Kindergarten!! I am so excited for them!! I am also excited for me too. What to do all day? Oh yeah, right. I am going back to work. Well, I hope so. I have not had an "official" notification yet, but the hours are perfect if I do get this position!!

Did anyone else go back to work after their kids went to school full time?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I am back!!

Hello everyone! I have been gone for a VERY long time, and there have been some BIG changes in my life, but I look forward to this next chapter!! A few updates...
* The twins and I moved in with my Parents. I know, I know, but it is really pretty comforting. Also, for the first time I have some real help with them! (It takes a Village and all that...)

*The twins are also starting Kindergarten next week. I cannot believe they are getting so old!!!

*I am returning to work after seven years. Hmmmm. Jury is still out on this one, but survival and all that fun stuff!!

So with the twins starting at a DISD school next week... They have to wear uniforms. So I have found the cutest way to "prep them up" as much as possible. After the initial shock of not being allowed even the tiniest monograms on their shirts or jumpers I think I have found a solution we are all happy with. I will post pictures on my next post. Happy Tuesday!!