I actually have to appeal a claim to our insurance for a trip to Children's E.R.
Last month, J had an asthma attack like no other. While he had his nebulizer on, after a treatment of albuterol and pulmicort, his fingernails and lips were turning blue. So we rushed him to Children's where his Doctor had a team on standby. They rushed him to the a special breathing treatment room where he stayed for two hours until stabilized.
Now why insurance does not see that as a necessary visit, I don't know what is!!
5 days ago
Our insurance company hassled us because my mom kept having to go to the ER after a botched hysterectomy due to catheter issues...they felt really bad when they found out the poor woman had been walking around for 4 weeks with her ureter cut, and no one would believe us that something was wrong. Sometimes they can be real jerks.
Bless your heart. Just be persistent.
I hate insurance companies!
Wow, I am not sure what the alternative would be? Strange, but keep fighting.
We have had great insurance experiences until the past year when I've had to resubmit and provide excessive documentation on each claim for Vivian's speech and OT. It's such a hassle (and paperwork is not my forte! LOL). Sometimes I feel like I need a personal assistant.
Last year I purchased a special needs stroller out of network because I was never able to locate a provider on our insurance's unwieldy list that carried the model I wanted. I submitted a prescription and my receipt for the equipment, and insurance sent me a check for $5.47 and said that was "reasonable and customary." I filed an appeal and told them I could not fathom how ANYONE could think that $5.47 was "reasonable and customary" for a wheelchair. With no further explanation they sent me a check for the rest of the amount. Do you think they were hoping I wouldn't bother to appeal?
That is crazy! I hope everything works out.
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