So J and I watched the above movie on Disney Chanel tonight. At the beginning of the movie, the kids ghosts are doing fun tricks. You will never believe what came out of his mouth!
"Wow Mama, I wanna be a ghost for Halloween."
Me: "Sure, we can do that."
"No, no costume, I jus' wanna be a REAL ghost. I don't want a mask or anything."
Me: "Well, that's going to be a hard sell without a costume."
"No, I wanna be a REAL ghost. I wanna go outside, stand in the street get hit by a car and be dead. Then I will be a real ghost and I can do those fun trick!"
Then I picked myself up off the floor. I calmly (as calm as I could be under the circumstances) explained that if he got dead there is no coming back. No more Mommy hugs, or ice cream, or school, or anything. Thankfully, in the movie the kids are really missing their parents, so I think he got the point.
Then at bedtime I explained that only God decides when, where, and how we die. And that if you decide it for yourself, and do something to make yourself die on purpose, you will not go to Heaven. You will not get to go and live with Jesus, and God.
Do you think I explained it right? I am pretty freaked out about it.
5 days ago
Oh my goodness that is scary!
bless your heart!!! i would be out of my mind! i think you did a great job... i just might print this one out to keep in case miss priss gets any ideas one day. happy friday!
WOW...that must have been very hard to hear from your little one. I think you did a great job of explaining it...
Oh wait, I read that wrong. I thought that conversation was in the movie....oops..
What a world we live in... and how invasive Disney can be in our lives! Keep up the faith and the prayers for your precious ones.
I also am impressed with your About Me section. I have two boys, and raising them to be fine Christian gentlemen is always foremost in my mind. "Handsome is as handsome does."
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