I was tagged by The Beaufort Lookout
The rules are link to the person who tagged you-list 7 weird and or random facts about yourself-tag 7 others with links to their posts-finally be sure to leave them a comment that you have tagged them.
1. I have been sailing since I was 3. I had my first nationals when I was 7, in New Orleans.
2. On that same trip, New Orleans was hosting the World's Fair.
3. I am very clumsy, always have been. Yet, I used to Ice skate when I was little. Needless to say, it did not last very long after I got to the level when you start jumps.
4. I always wanted twins. When I was little, I even had twin girl/ boy cabbage patch twin dolls.
5. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. This is probably because my birthday is November 2nd.
6. My parents did not go, or send us to Sunday School, or Church. Because of this, I make sure we take the twins to Sunday School and Church every Sunday. I find it funny when my Mom is surprised when I don't know basic Bible stories. But I am learning more every day. I even taught Sunday school this past Sunday!
7. I was married for 6 months in 1998. BIG mistake, even bigger wedding. I am talking HUGE! But was nothing like my wedding to Paul. I am happy about that. Our wedding was intimate and personal. It was more about us, than a giant party.
Now I tag
It's Toile, Y'all!
Call the Preppies In
Pink Preppy Party Girl
Preppy Mama
Off The Beaten Path......
Puttin' on the G.R.I.T.S.
5 days ago